The OMNIKEY® 5422 represents the ultimate combination of contact and contactless technology in a single device. The solution features a dual interface, PC-linked reader that reads / writes to both a 13.56 MHz contactless smart card and virtually any contact smart card to support environments where both contact and contactless smart card technologies are required.
The OK5422 eliminates the requirement for driver installation and is suitable to be used with standard PC or workstations, as well as with thin and zero clients.
• Versatile – Ideal for end-user environments using both contact and contactless smart card technology and migration scenarios
• Leverages existing employee badge – Expands the usage of existing physical access cards to computer logon, as well as network and cloud applications.
• Easy to install – Eliminates the need to install drivers; uses native supported CCID drivers within the operating system.
• Increased security and improved user experience – Read and retrieve highly secure one-time passwords (OTP) from Seos® card.