Multi-GEM 12 offers reliable and accurate energy monitoring & management in real-time at electric multople feeding points.
The Multi-GEM 12 automatically provides metering, demand, energy readings and loggings over multi feeding points with Multi-GEM 12 channels monitoring from the 18 feeders for 1P2W, 8 feeders for 3P3W, 6 feeders for 3P4W or any combination of single and three phase circuits.
This useful flexibility makes Multi-GEM 12 to be effective over House, office buildings, and shopping mall and the other industries.
Current detection of Multi-GEM 12 is operated via external current transformers(CTs).
Each CT measures and log the current and energy with the voltage input consumed by each of the branch circuits at the electric feeding points.
This flexibility allows simple restructuring for electric circuit group with wiring changes.
The flexible structure makes an easy energy consuming analysis and electric bill count for a valuable saving of time and money.